How to Convert More In-Person Sales with a Concrete Coating Business

How to Convert More In-Person Sales with a Concrete Coating Business

October 08, 20247 min read

How to Convert More In-Person Sales with a Concrete Coating Business

This blog contains data from polling our top 10 clients in converting the in-person meetings .

When it comes to selling concrete coating services, the in-person appointment is where the magic happens. The prospect has already shown interest and scheduled a meeting—now it’s time to close the deal! But how do you ensure that your in-person sales pitch leads to a signed contract?

In this blog, we’ll cover proven strategies to help you convert more in-person sales for your concrete coating business. From building rapport to demonstrating value, these tips will make your sales appointments more successful and help you close deals more consistently.

Why the In-Person Sale is So Important

An in-person appointment is a unique opportunity to showcase not only your product but also your professionalism and expertise. It allows you to:

  • Build a stronger personal connection.

  • Answer questions on the spot.

  • Demonstrate the quality of your services and materials.

  • Show the customer exactly how your solutions meet their needs.

By following a structured approach, you can maximize your chances of converting these face-to-face interactions into sales.

1. Prepare Before You Arrive

Preparation is key to nailing your in-person sales appointment. Before you meet with the prospect, make sure you:

a. Review the Client’s Needs

Go over the details you gathered during your initial phone conversation. Know what matters most to this customer—whether it's durability, aesthetics, easy maintenance, or a strong warranty. Understanding their priorities will help you tailor your presentation to meet their specific needs.

b. Bring Visual Aids and Samples

When it comes to concrete coatings, seeing is believing. Bring physical samples of your coatings (such as color swatches and flakes) and any visual aids, like before-and-after photos of previous jobs. This makes it easier for the customer to visualize what you’re offering and how it will improve their space.

2. Build Rapport Early

As soon as you arrive, start building rapport with the customer. People are more likely to buy from someone they like and trust, so focus on creating a positive, friendly interaction. A few quick tips:

  • Be personable: Greet the prospect warmly and find common ground. Whether it’s complimenting their home or talking about the weather, creating a relaxed environment will make the conversation more comfortable.

  • Active listening: Make the customer feel heard by nodding, asking follow-up questions, and responding thoughtfully. When they see that you care about their needs, they’ll be more open to what you’re offering.

3. Take a Tour of the Space

During the appointment, ask to see the area where the concrete coating will be applied. As you walk through the space, take note of:

  • Any specific concerns the customer has (cracks, stains, wear and tear).

  • How the space is used (garage, patio, basement), and the kind of coating that would best meet their needs.

This is your chance to gather details that will allow you to make a tailored recommendation later in the conversation.

4. Address Their Pain Points and Provide Solutions

After reviewing the space, it’s time to focus on the customer’s pain points. What problems are they trying to solve with your service? Common concerns include:

  • Floors that are cracking or chipping.

  • Stains from oil or other chemicals.

  • A lack of durability in high-traffic areas.

Once you identify their concerns, offer specific solutions. For example:

  • Cracking or chipping: “Our coatings are 4x stronger than traditional epoxy and come with a 25-year warranty to prevent cracking or chipping.”

  • Stains: “Our coatings are stain-resistant and super easy to clean, so you won’t have to worry about oil or chemical spills.”

  • Durability: “Whether it’s heavy foot traffic or vehicle use, our coatings are built to handle anything, and they’ll stay looking great for years.”

By addressing their pain points directly, you position yourself as a problem-solver, not just a salesperson.

5. Use Value-Based Selling

In-person sales aren’t just about offering the lowest price. You need to focus on value-based selling, where the emphasis is on the unique benefits of your service rather than the cost alone. Here’s how to do it:

a. Highlight the Benefits

Talk about the long-term advantages of your service, such as durability, easy maintenance, and aesthetic appeal. Make sure to explain why your coatings are superior to cheaper alternatives.

b. Offer Proof

Use testimonials, photos, or case studies to demonstrate the quality and longevity of your coatings. Nothing builds trust like social proof.

c. Discuss the Warranty

If you offer a strong warranty (like the 25-year or lifetime warranty), make sure to mention it. A good warranty shows that you stand behind your work, which can be a huge selling point.

6. Ask Open-Ended Questions to Keep the Conversation Going

The best way to keep the customer engaged is by asking open-ended questions that encourage them to talk more about their needs and desires. For example:

  • “What do you like most about the idea of a new concrete coating?”

  • “How important is it for you to have a low-maintenance floor?”

These questions will help you uncover what’s really important to the customer and give you more opportunities to show how your solution is the best fit.

7. Address Objections Before They Arise

In any sales conversation, objections are bound to come up. Whether it’s about price, time, or trust, it’s important to address these concerns proactively.

a. Price Concerns

Rather than waiting for the prospect to bring up the cost, address it yourself:

“You might be wondering about the cost compared to cheaper options. The difference is our coatings last 4x longer and come with a 25-year warranty, which means fewer repairs and replacements over time.”

b. Time Concerns

If the customer seems worried about how long the job will take, say something like:

“We can complete most jobs within a day, so you’ll be able to use your new space almost immediately.”

8. Create a Sense of Urgency

At the end of the appointment, it’s important to move the sale forward by creating urgency. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Limited-Time Offer: Mention any promotions or discounts you’re currently offering that won’t last long.

    “We’re running a 10% discount for jobs booked by the end of the month—so it’s a great time to take advantage of that!”

  • Busy Schedule: Let them know your schedule fills up quickly.

    “Our fall schedule is filling up fast, so if you’d like to get this done before winter, we’ll need to lock in a date soon.”

9. Ask for the Sale

Finally, don’t forget the most important step—asking for the sale. After addressing their needs, providing solutions, and showcasing the value, it’s time to close the deal:

“Based on what we’ve talked about, I think our [specific coating solution] is a perfect fit for your space. Can we get you on the schedule for installation?”

Be confident but not pushy. You’ve provided the value—now it’s time to guide them to the next step.

How Can Help You Get More Sales Opportunities FAST!

At, we help concrete coating businesses increase their sales and improve efficiency through proven strategies that convert prospects into loyal customers. Whether you’re looking to improve your lead flow or enhance your overall sales process, we can provide the tools and techniques you need to succeed.

Ready to close more deals? Give us a call at (732) 561-5055 or visit our website at

Conclusion: Mastering In-Person Sales for Your Concrete Coating Business

In-person sales appointments are your opportunity to shine and convert qualified prospects into paying customers. By preparing thoroughly, building rapport, focusing on value, and addressing concerns, you can significantly increase your chances of closing the deal. Don’t forget to ask for the sale and create a sense of urgency to move the process forward.

By following these strategies, you’ll not only improve your closing rate but also build stronger, long-lasting relationships with your customers.

Did this blog help you? Let us know in the comments! For more tips on how to grow your concrete coating business, visit us at or call (732) 561-5055.

Jerry Brunetto

Founder of

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